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Freedom From Addiction/Share Your Mission/Truth Just Below the Surface

This show is all about the disease of addiction in it's diverse behavioral forms and how to cure it. Using the treatment plan in "Freedom From Addiction," a 100% success rate can be accomplished if 3 simple conditions are met. The plan can be accomplished at home without taking time off from work.

Apr 5, 2017

My guest on this episode is Josie Varga. She has done considerable research and tell stories about terminal lucidity, deathbed visits, and near-death experiences. There are many many enlightening interviews including one with Dr. Eben Alexander, Carla Wells Brandon (with thoughts on addiction,) and "Peak in Darien" experiences of Dr. Bruce Grayson. She gives information on where consciousness resides. We talked about addictive thoughts of negative thinking. I would highly recommend her book to those who are interested in the metaphysical aspects of death.